Dear my friends, with short time view on store-167088 footwear upper. Below list, more comments are talking about store-167088 footwear. Wanting purchase store-167088 , can get more experience on below comments. If other idea on store-167088 footwear, comment to keep up.
A little disappointing - The negatives - The leather is quite stiff and the calf was so big it gaped open in the back several inches with jeans tucked in. (I do have skinny legs) The front of the sole is nice rubber like you'd expect from Doc's, but the heel is hard plastic so it's noisy when you walk (like high heels sound). The positive - Fairly cushy footbed, heel height is totally walkable and they seemed true-to-size. My verdict - They went back right away. I can do better for the money and I bet you can too.
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